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  • Mankowski, Peter / Cuniberti, Gilles / Lehmann, Matthias (Hrsg.)
  • Commercial Law
  • Article-by-Article Commentary
  • 978-3-406-82376-3
  • C.H. Beck
  • 2. Aufl. 2025
  • Kommentar
  • Termin: März 2025
320,00 € EURO
inkl. MwSt.


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Reihe: Kooperationswerke Beck - Hart - Nomos

Effective cross-border trade de-pends on reliable rules and legal certainty. However, crossborder trade is a complex undertaking, not limited only to sales, but also en-compassing carriage and transport, finance, and marketing. Accordingly, a clear understanding of the legislation underpinning the major areas of commercial law is absolutely essential for succesful international commerce.

Written in English by a team of in-ternational experts, the second edition of this leading Commentary contains revised and updated artic-le-by-article analsyes of:

- UNIDROIT Principles
- Incoterms© 2020
- Montreal Convention
- Budapest Convention (CMNI)
- EU Commercial Agents Directive 86/653
- EU Late Payment Directive 2011/7
- Cape Town Convention
- UCP/ERA 600